
Thursday 19 September 2013

Precedent President University

is an English competition held by the PACT (President Association Critical Thinkers), big student club in President University. The participant for this competition is students of senior high schools in Jabodetabek area. To commemorating the day of Heritage of World November 16, PRECEDENT is trying to enhance the English of the students by conducting an English competition. Following the first Precedent in 2012, Precedent 2013 consists of five competitions: Speech, Debate, Writing, Scrabble and News casting. The theme of this event, in commemoration of the day of Hari Warisan Dunia, is ‘Nationalism Spirit in Preserving Indonesian Culture

The rapid flow of globalization is inevitably very influential to Indonesia’s society. It has required people to be fluent in English in order to face this rapid change. Along with the English’s prominence. It is very crucial to always hold high the nationalism spirit, especially for Indonesian’s youth. Hari Warisan Dunia has been a reminder about how important our heritage is, and how important that we should preserving our culture and heritage.
Combining these two urgent issues, PRECEDENT would like to once again call upon the spirit of nationalism in Indonesia’s young generation, specifically in area of Jabodetabek through an English competition. Held by PACT, PRECEDENT is the first English Competition held by President University, and inviting 70 numbers of schools from entire Jabodetabek area, giving a total prize of more than 2 MILLION. Finally, we hope that PRECEDENT could be the inspiration for the promotion of nationalism spirit and the learning of English

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Doding Haleluya Nomor 496 "Idilo Tuhan Naibatanta"

do = as

1. Idilo Tuhan Naibatanta, haganup Kuria-Ni in.
Ase manjalo haluahon, nabinoban ni Kristus in
Tangihon ma dilo-dilo-Ni, pateleng ham ma pinggolmu.
Ulang manosal holi dob ni, bai ujung ni panorangmu.

2. Sai jalo ma ganup hata-Ni, sai buhai ma uhurmu.
Sonai homa ge sinondang-Ni, in ma baen gabe suluhmu.
Tangihon ma dilo-dilo-Ni, pateleng ham ma pinggolmu.
Ulang manosal holi dob ni, bai ujung ni panorangmu.

3. Jumpahan ulih do ganupan, nasirsir manangihon in.
Na seng ongga marsidalian, mambalosi Tuhan in.
Tangihon ma dilo-dilo-Ni, pateleng ham ma pinggolmu.
Ulang manosal holi dob ni, bai ujung ni panorangmu.

Syair dan lagu: St. AK Saragih, 1994